It’s that time of the year again. Summer is fizzling out and everyone is heading back to school—which means that, even though it’s hard to believe, we’re heading into the last quarter of the year. As we head into this new period, it’s a perfect time to do some reflection and to check back in, especially since sooner than we know it, this year will be coming to a close.

At this time in the year, I want to really encourage you to check back with yourself — to see how you feel, what your intention was (if you set one), and to really reflect on where you are and where you’re going. I did this recently and I want to share what came up for me with you.

Discovering My Big WHY

After spending the summer in Italy and enjoying some travel where I allowed myself simply just to be, which is so nurturing for my spirit and my soul, I sat down and did some reflecting on why I actually do what I do.

Here’s my personal outcome from this question:

I want to educate as many people as possible in what a life of authentic empowerment looks like and encourage people to really live with all their senses. Ultimately, I’d love to see people including all their senses as a normality. Bringing children up with all of their six senses is something I wish mothers and fathers did. My ideal vision is living what might be described as a holistic lifestyle, where a life with a meaningful and fulfilling approach using all of your senses would be the total normality. It would be so normal, we wouldn’t even have to talk about it because it would be the most normal thing in the world!

For me, this is my big WHY. And I’m trying to find different ways to fulfill that. I don’t even have to do it personally, I would just like to see that happen. And I would like to empower and lead and educate everybody who has that goal too.

Finding Your Big WHY

I hope by sharing my big WHY, it will help you feel inspired to reflect and remember yours. I’d like to encourage you to take a little time to do that this week. I’ve included some questions below that you can use to find your WHY.

When you’re ready, find a comfortable place with a pen and paper and light a candle if you can. Breathe in to the count of 4, hold your breath for 4, and exhale to the count of 8. Repeat this 3 more times. Then, feel that sense of calm wash over you and let yourself answer these questions:

How have you liked your year so far?

What did it bring you?

Which dreams are still open?

What was fulfilling for you?

Where did things feel difficult?

And what came up with that? Did you feel you couldn’t really grow? Or that you couldn’t be the way you wanted to be? Did you feel disturbed by something? What was standing in your way? Did you feel like you had to catch up and always solve problems, instead of being able to thrive in real authentic flow?

What is your big WHY?

Reflecting on Your WHY

When you’ve answered your questions, think about what this means – and how this is playing out in your life. Whatever your big WHY is, maybe you want to do some journaling about it, record it, or just sit with it and come up with what it means to you, how much of your big WHY is already in your life, and some ways you can integrate it further.

Now over to you: I’d love to hear what you come up with and what your big WHY is, so please comment below and let me know!

All my love,

P.S. I’m still working on the final details and preparation for the upcoming Energy Retreat and will keep you posted, if you want to know more!
