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Copyright 2021 by Carollyne Corner
All Rights Reserved



Imagine a Business Spa designed to help you create and maintain your work-life balance at every level.

What if there were a place where you could escape from the hustle and bustle of your work life…

Perhaps you’ve had a hard day (week, year…) at work, and you need a place to relax and unwind

Imagine a place where you can indulge in a little hot stone wisdom relaxation, some deep cleansing insights, or a vigorous scrubbing of old patterns and habits…

A place where you can go to relax, restore, and renew yourself from the challenges of running your own business…

A place where you find insight and inspiration that helps keep you energized about your passions and moving forward with your business…

A place where you can connect with an experienced, loving guide who understands how to lead authentically and bring more of yourself into your work (and less of your work into your home life)…

A place where you can meet other women who understand exactly what you’re going through, who can hold you up when you’re feeling down and cheer you on when you’re ready to celebrate…

A place where all the stress is taken off you, and the harsh business day falls away…

Welcome to the Business Spa

If you find that you


op from solution to solution, from course to course or product to product, searching for salvation…


ometimes long for a guide to tell you what to do — or what to do next — even though you LOVE being the boss…


eel lonely as a business owner, without a community to support you…


un into the same problems or blocks over and over again, no matter what you try to change…


eel frustrated by your lack of progress or inability to make progress on your own…

These are all symptoms of being completely out of balance. But anyone — yes, even you! — can find work-life balance and create the lifestyle you dreamed of when you started your business.


It’s about putting your energy to the right uses and understanding how to bring out the best in yourself so that


uccess feels natural and inevitable.


ou’ll realize that it’s not a matter of “willpower” and your past lack of progress wasn’t your fault.


ou can decide what your work schedule will be like (three-day weeks? Half days?) and still earn the profits you desire.


ou discover the power of a likeminded community that supports and challenges you.


nd you’ll create new, more powerful programs and habits that support the life and business you want.


For most people, this isn’t a transformation you can make alone; you need a guide and a community to support you

So often, business owners find themselves lonely and unsupported because the people around them don’t understand their experience. This hinders their success tremendously, and can limit how far they can go. But with a supportive community and knowledgeable guide, I believe every business owner can transcend what would not be possible for them alone.


Guidance and community are vital for success

This is why I created the Business Spa, a community for business owners on the journey to success where you can treat yourself with high quality information, soul-centered teachings, and strong guidance to learn and grow in your business and life. A place where we can support and guide one another. A place where you can go and find a refreshing new take on challenges you’re facing, through worksheets, articles, and stories that will help you relax, understand that you are not alone, and see a problem you might have had in a new light.


„Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.
If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.“

Steve Jobs

I notice that we as a society are in search of the “magic pill” — the one-and-done solution to our problems

Because the problem — whatever it is — didn’t happen overnight, and the solution won’t happen in moments, either.

In my work with business owners and entrepreneurs, I often see them searching for that one product, or service, or course, that will help them break through their blocks and skyrocket to success. But they rarely find it — because those blocks have been there, maybe for years. They aren’t going to disappear overnight.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Albert Einstein

That’s why I created an ongoing solution, that will meet you where you are, whenever you need it. Because finding balance isn’t a “one and done” sort of problem or solution.

Just like standing in a yoga balance pose, finding and maintaining requires ongoing attention and practice on a regular basis to keep you on track.

The Business Spa is a virtual membership community that aims to provide guidance, information, and ongoing connection and support for business owners. Like your favorite day spa, it is a virtual safe place to go at the end of a long work day to relax, restore, and renew yourself from a business and life perspective.


Each month, I select a topic from my base of knowledge around life, work, life-work balance, wisdom and knowledge that I have accumulated over the past 30 years. Delivered in a beautiful magazine style, it could include articles, videos, worksheets, meditations, and other tools to give you a way to focus your energies on improving a particular sector of your life.


„There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.“

Nelson Mandela


We meet virtually by webinar once a month to discuss that month’s topic in-depth. We go deep and get personal, and community members can bring questions and blocks to the group so that we can explore and provide insight to help you move forward.

In addition, we have a private Facebook community where you can connect with like-minded business women from around the world every day of the month any time you want to celebrate, have a question, or need additional support.


Together, we will gain insight on how to create the business and life you really want. How to be a great conscious entrepreneur and leader. How to cope with kids, business, family and the need to fill your own energy

Together, we will create a tide of support, energy, experience, and connection that will lift each of us higher than anyone could go on her own

„The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.“

Eleanor Roosevelt

The menu of rejuvenating topics you will be able to select from may include:

  • Work/Life Balance Rejuvenation
  • Team Building Treatments
  • Conscious Leadership Glow
  • Luxury Goal Setting
  • Communication Polish
  • Purifying Decision-Making
  • Finding your authentic self
  • Self-Care Rituals
  • Priority Detoxification

And much, much more!

Together we can create a meaningful, fulfilled, successful and most importantly, rewarding life for your business, for yourself and your loved ones.

“Balance, peace and joy are the fruit of a successful life.
It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.”

Thomas Kinkade

Let me be your host

In a past life I was head of finance and human resources for an innovative, ecologically-minded company.  Money, currency, economics, and people were my area of focus.

Now I bring that business and economic experience to individual business women, and focus on the currency and economics of energy exchange and how people create energy transactions to change the world. I help women in business find their own path towards a fulfilled life.

„My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style.“

Maya Angelou

Who is the Business Spa for?

The Business Spa is the perfect next step for you if you’ve worked with me on an Energy Intensive of Energy Retreat, to maintain that “glow” you feel after our initial work together well into the future.

However, you don’t have to have worked individually with me (yet) to benefit from the Business Spa.

The Business Spa is perfect for you:

  • If you long for a safe place to relax at the end of a long business day — with people who understand what you’re going through and the challenges you face.
  • If you crave a framework for improving your business and personal life in a consistent, ongoing way.
  • If you feel as though you’ve hit a ceiling with your business and want to break through to the next level.
  • If you desire a community where you can ask questions and get answers to the unique problems you face as a business owner.
  • If you understand the power of energy to help move you toward success — or keep you mired in mediocrity.
  • If you are willing and eager to do the work to improve yourself and thrive in a self-directed environment.

The Business Spa is not for someone who

Believes they have gone as far as possible and that there is no room for improvement.

Doesn’t play well with others in a group or likes to argue and pick fights for the sake of argument.

Is getting more benefit from staying stuck than they would from moving forward (hey, it happens!).

„One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals.

And so when I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don’t invest any energy in them, because I know who I am.“

Michelle Obama

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I miss one of the calls?

I record everything and the recordings are always available in the membership area.

How does this membership work?

Once you sign up, you will receive immediate private access to The Business SPA Member Site. There you will find magazine-styled documents that include articles, worksheets, and information on a variety of topics. We also record the live calls every month, and you can listen back to previous recordings at your leisure. Each month, new documents and calls are added on new topics. You also have access to a private member group on Facebook where we support one another, much like in a mastermind group.

Once a month we “meet” on a webinar platform and I talk i more depth about the month’s topic and also about common feedback, concerns or questions from you all. It is also the place where you can post your specific questions a week ahead and I will try to answer them on the call.


How long is this membership for?

The membership continues month-to-month indefinitely, or until you decide you no longer wish to participate. If you no longer want to be a member, you just email us and you will be not charged the following month and access will end for the member site after your membership is expired, 30 days from your last payment.

For other frequently asked questions about Carollyne and our business, please click here.

If you have additional questions that have not been addressed, you can always contact us, here.

„Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.“


The Business Spa is an ongoing membership community delivering new value, insight, and connection each month.

Each month, Business Spa members receive:

  • Exclusive articles, resources and tools worth approximately $45.-
  • Virtual membership community with all your resources saved in one spot
  • 1-hour group coaching and insight with me, worth $250.-
  • Ongoing, 24/7 community support that is priceless

I invite you to join our community and decide if it feels like a good fit for you, your business, and your spirit to be among business women on similar journeys, facing similar challenges, and supporting one another all along the way.

I would love to welcome you!





Pay-in-Full for one year membership



„For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself:

‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’

And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.“

Steve Jobs

Don’t do it alone

In my opinion, the worst thing you can do for your business is to try to do it all — alone, without the support of a guide and a community.

Join our community and decide if it feels like a good fit for you, your business, and your spirit to be among business women on similar journeys, facing similar challenges, and supporting one another all along the way.

We need your voice to add to the chorus. Join us today!


Don’t take my word for it

“My business was growing, but I was feeling overwhelmed and stuck, and not enjoying it like I should. As soon as I did the work and set the intent Carollyne teached me, the energy completely shifted. I continue to work with Carollyne so I don’t regress back to my old limitations, and I’m so excited how next year unfolds.“

Lynn Chalk
Lynn Chalk Custom Window Treatments

“Carollyne is absolutely amazing. I wasn’t sure what to expect initially. I walked into our session together feeling off-kilter, restless, imbalanced – in life and in business…and through the course of our session found myself feeling not only more and more peaceful but also more and more “in tune” with myself.“

Sarah Ancalmo-Ashman


“I wasn’t sure what to expect, working with Carollyne, having never invested in something like this before, but her insights were incredible and spot on. I believe she has started a real change in my life — like a trickle of water that will grow into a rushing river of change.”

Lacy Boggs

