So often in life, we place ourselves in the backseat. When instead, we should be chauffeuring ourselves through life with a firm grip on the steering wheel.

When it feels like you’ve lost your grip on the steering wheel, get a grip and put yourself first for once. Start to integrate two very easy self-love practices every day and see how life shifts in 8 short days.

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but I’ll share again how to best integrate something new into your life. (It’s so easy to fall back into old patterns, we all do it…)

You have to stick to the new routine for at least 8 days. And the best way to do so is to set yourself a fixed time for it. I put it in my calendar so I’m automatically reminded.

It’s also much easier to combine the new habit with something you already do daily, like brushing your teeth. That is why I tell my clients to think of 5 things they are grateful for while brushing their teeth. This sounds super simple, and in fact it is. But it is highly effective to give yourself good vibes in the morning and boost your feel-good factor.

5 things you love about yourself

But to make it more about yourself, after thinking of 5 things that you’re grateful for, think additionally of 5 things that you love about yourself.

What is it that you do well? When was the last time you were proud of yourself? What do you love about what you do or create? When did you last praise yourself?

Well, it’s about time you make this a daily habit. It will be so exciting to see the shift in you and in others once you integrate this habit into your life.

I can’t wait to hear all about it. Hit reply or post below to tell me about the shift that took place. I would love to hear about it!

Listen to your soul whispering

Now on to the second self-love practice that I would love to share with you.And that is the practice of listening to your soul whispers.

This is the most loving thing you can do for yourself. We all know that soft, kind, and loving voice whispering ideas and empowering realizations into our ears. But do you listen, do you act on them, do you actually hear them in the first place?

One of the reasons to practice meditation is to make room and space for quiet. If there is quiet, you have room to listen to the whisper of your soul. So of course making time for quiet is one thing. Meditation doesn’t have to take up too much time. It is great to just sit and breath for 8 minutes every morning. That will make such a difference and doesn’t need much effort on your end.

But after achieving a quiet mind, it’s time to start listening to the whispers of your soul (one of the reasons to make room and space and quiet in the first place). If we start to make ourselves available for the whisper of our soul and inspiration, we are one step closer to our next self-love routine.

It’s all about acting on what you feel inspired to do. Act on what your soul is whispering to you. That is self-love in its purest form. To make space for what lights you up. Give room to what puts a smile on your face. Follow up to what your soul is inspiring you to do.

Now over to you! To keep yourself accountable to your self-love practices, share with us what you will implement, how it works, the downfalls, and the big wins! I’m here for you all the way through and I truly want you to succeed!

Come along to your private community here and share your ups and downs!