How are things going for you, lovely? Did you establish your big WHY yet? If you haven’t had time, I’d really encourage you to go back and do a check-in with yourself as we head into the later part of the year. Spend some quiet time with yourself and answer the questions.

Now, it’s time to discover what your intention is.

Setting an Intention (vs. a Goal)

Setting an intention (others may call it setting a goal) is about going through life in a more meaningful, fluid way. The difference, for me, between a goal and an intention is that a goal is something you wish for.  Let’s say you want to be the most successful in your niche, or you want to find a husband in the next year, or you want to build a new house, or you want to buy this or that. Do you notice the pattern? Goals are coupled to things in life, to things that are outside of you.

Meaningful intentions are not just the goal, but also include your WHY. Why do you want that? That’s why I asked you what your big WHY is.

Integrating Your WHY and Your Intention

One of my dreams is to buy an old-school English manor house with a beautiful park and garden surrounded by old trees. Sounds nice, right? But it’s more about my why.

Why I’d really like this home is to create a space where like-minded people can come together and work together and be together and grow together—a place with a yoga room, organic food growing in the garden, a space to educate people, and room where people can stay for a retreat or educational event, like little cottages or rooms in the house.

It would be a place where a conscious and holistic approach to business is what we educate people on, a place of inspiration with beautiful nature and old trees and tranquility. A space to relax where people in the surrounding area could also come to join together and do yoga and maybe there’s an organic shop. This place would be like a meeting place of great people coming together and consciously creating meaningful businesses and meaningful lives, with different speakers and inspirational masterminds to lead the way.

And, my soul just feels so at home in England. It’s my soul home—the place I love and know so well. My soul loves this place so much.

That’s my WHY

Why would I want to have this place? It would be something I would love to create and be able to empower people there, while also having other minds and thought leaders there to empower the people that want to come. And I would make sure this is a really beautiful, spiritual place.

Can you see those are two different things? That there’s a big difference between: “Oh, I want to own a big English manor house with a park” and the other is “The vehicle for what I want to create would be owning this manor house with a park and trees around it.”

Manifesting Your Intention

So, will I be extremely disappointed if I never have the house? No, I won’t be extremely disappointed, but maybe a little bit. The reason is that my intention is different. If i can reach all these great people in another way and gather them together, maybe that will be in a virtual space in the beginning. And that would be a really great achievement too and I’d be very happy about that!

So, what does it mean to set an intention?

We, as souls, have longings, dreams, and a purpose—that’s why we come here and why we live our lives here on earth. And the first step to really create what we love would be to find out what we really love, to be in touch with our true authentic self. That’s the first step to being able to live an empowered, authentic life. (And I’m currently in the process of creating something truly amazing to share with you around this. I’ll be able to tell you more about this very soon!)

And once you know what you really are good at, what you love to do, what you can’t stop doing… If you get all your intention and power behind that, you’re going to create a truly beautiful life. And not just in business, but in general, you will have a fulfilling, beautiful life. We shouldn’t go or settle for less, because we all deserve the best.

Setting an intention means following your inner why, your inner destination. If you follow your inner sense of meaning, and follow what you truly love and what you stand for and your big WHY—then you can set an intention to reach a goal, not something outside of you, but something that has a meaning and is inside of you. That’s the most powerful way to live.

Now over to you: What’s your inner why and your inner destination? I’d love to see you succeed!

All my love,
