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Copyright 2021 by Carollyne Corner
All Rights Reserved

Services for Soulful Businesses

Are you putting in lots of hours working in your business but somehow it’s just not adding up?

Business is an exchange of energy. It’s a transaction – but if something is blocked – it holds you back from reaching your full potential.

When you went into business, you wanted to achieve freedom, time, financial stability, and room to pursue your passions. Instead, you may feel stuck, overworked, worried and maybe even on the verge of a burn out.

Building a successful business and living the life you dreamed of doesn’t have to be a faraway dream. Life and business don’t have to be so hard! I want to help you discover a renewed passion for your business and joie de vivre.

You get my undivided attention on your business & life

Sessions with Carollyne are currently unavailable.
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In a past life” I was Head of Finance and Human Resources in an innovative, ecologically-minded company. Money, Currency, Economics, and People were my area of focus. Now I bring all my deep knowledge and rich experiences in growing a business to the table were I’ll be sharing my insights from 20 years of helping to grow amazing businesses.

I know that there is more to it than meets the eye and when you don’t balance your energy, business knowledge and experience are not enough to really unleash your true potential.

I help you see your true talents, but also point out the blocks and old patterns that you carry around with you and hold you back from reaching your full potential. I offer you insights, but very different than those you get from a psychic. I help you along the way and teach you how to let go of things no longer serving you. I teach you how to live a meaningful life.


Sessions with Carollyne are currently unavailable.
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Soul Calling Session

Consider this a “tune-up” for your soulful business! Exclusive 1-hour sessions for women who would like to experience working with me without too much commitment, or have already completed an Energy Intensive and would like an additional session to work through a specific question, problem, or block.

Sessions with Carollyne are currently unavailable.
Join the email list to be notified about the next available openings.

The Deep Dive

A 30-day deep analysis of one part of your business that needs the most attention – your choice (Marketing, Sales, Products, Team… even your private life)

I dive deep into one part of your business that gives you sleepless nights. You will be able to quickly implement my strategies, change your area of focus, and make it more efficient and more profitable! I dive deep and analyse both the Energy & the Economics behind it.

This program is best for those seeking immediate results in the one part of your business that needs attention most.

Sessions with Carollyne are currently unavailable.
Join the email list to be notified about the next available openings.

The Energy Intensive

A 90-day deep dive into your past, present, and future to uncover energy blocks and disrupt old patterns in order to create the life you’ve always wanted! This program is best for those seeking immediate and broad results from a one-on-one consultation with me. Five 1-hour sessions over the course of 90 days.

Sessions with Carollyne are currently unavailable.
Join the email list to be notified about the next available openings.