You may have had a clear idea when you were young how your life should look like in the future.

How you would feel? What you would wear? Where you would live and what kind of friends you might have?

You may have pictured yourself with a family or travelling the world.

You may find yourself changing your life dreams every now and then or on a regular basis.

Living in London in my early 20’s, I thought the only other place I’d ever live was New York.

Turned out I got pregnant instead and ended up in a small village in Switzerland.

Five years later my husband and I started our honeymoon in New York. It was amazing but I would not have wanted to live there anymore. I grew out of that dream when I had Michelle.

Later I had other things that I enjoyed. At some point in my life they didn’t seem to fill my heart with joy.

So it was time to change the situation again.

Is there anything that you really want to bring into your life that would make your life more worth right now?

Did you stop living?

Sometimes we go through life without really living. There is a definite discrepancy between truly living or mere existing. And even if we may think we would definitely know if we would only exist instead of truly live. You may find yourself without knowing, trapped in that little space between the two.

Reflecting on our lives, we may detect that in some areas of your life we feel depleted, filled with tasks that overwhelm us or just occupy us to an extent.  And we don’t have time to create, relax or enjoy.

Getting stuck in a loop is not difficult at all. We slip into a routine and start to take on more and more. We stop taking time out for ourselves. Without much warning we find ourselves stuck in a loop of existing.

Is life breaking through to you?

When you start to feel discomfort or unfamiliarity, it is when life attempts to break through to you. By trying to make us realise we have been withdrawn from living and merely existing.

Doing the same thing again and again or just doing what seems to be appear on your daily, weekly or monthly to do list. The tricky thing about this situation is that we often consciously do not realise that we have forgotten to live and live well.

Are you afraid of living?

Without consciously knowing, we can withdraw from living because life scared us either in some part of our life or at some point in the past.

You may have had difficulties finding a job that really felt right. After trying many different options that did not feel right. If you gave in, maybe you don’t know what you need to do but don’t ever feel satisfaction or happiness from daily tasks.

Or possibly, you may have been in several relationships. All of them ended leaving you with a broken heart.

You can’t quite put your finger on it but you feel that somehow it is your mistake that there is something wrong with you.

Or you just feel you’re not lucky in love and withdraw from romantic involvements in fear of getting hurt again.

You may just have outgrown your own life and what felt amusing, enchanting and exciting in the past, just feels flat and uninspiring now.

And that is normal as we change over the years and interests come and may go again. What you loved to do in your 20’s or 30’s most likely doesn’t appeal to you in your 40’s. That is normal and life is a constant change.

Maybe you never really had to take responsibility for your own life and it scares the hell out of you to really live!

We all are in the same boat here.

At times we may feel scared to take a leap into the unknown. Most of the time we land on our feet and just sometimes on our knees and in very rare cases flat on our face. But life is there to be enjoyed to be lived and to be loved.

How to live well – 4 Emergency measures

In order to bring back this vibe of living well you have to invite life back.

A great way is to just take 15 minutes a day to yourself and do something that makes your heart fill with joy!

If you like nature like me, start filling each room with a living plant and enjoy how they make you feel and how they grow and expand.

Each morning put your hand on your heart and breathe in deep.

Then think of 10 things that lift your Spirit or make you smile. Let your smile raise your mood and smile till your heart is full of joy.

There is a lovely little meditation you could do for filling your heart with joy and your life with vivid energy.

Just sit somewhere you feel safe, breathe deeply for a few times into your belly and then see how your heart fills with golden light and a joyful energy.

Feel how this energy expands till your heart is overjoyed and the golden, joyful energy is overflowing into all aspects of your Life.

Enjoy this feeling.

Breathe in joyful light into all aspects of your life.

Get back into reality by being grateful for such a bundle of joy and golden light energy that you received and come back into the now.

Open your eyes and keep breathing deep.

Look around you. Slowly start moving your body again freely and get up – ready for your joyful life!

What do you do, to fill your Life with more joy? Let me know – I love to hear it!

Share this blog with a loved one you think needs more joy in their Life!

Much Love

Carollyne Corner