
The name Imbolc comes from the Old Irish imb-folc, meaning “all-around washing”—and it marks as a cleaning festival, but it also literally means “in the belly” in the old Irish Neolithic language. It is one of the four major “fire” festivals, referred to in Irish mythology. The other three festivals are Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain.

At Imbolc, in early February, the light born at the winter solstice has finally triumphed. It is true that in most northern countries, winter is still very much there, but the days have become noticeably longer.

And if you should live in a place that has not such strong winters, or even all of the 4 seasons, I can assure you that in December, there is nothing more romantic than when you can light all the candles around your home and drink hot Chocolate (something we Swiss are crazy for)—but once February comes around, I personally really crave for the days to get longer again. For the light to return and for the spring to be within reach.

For the ancient people who persevered in their wooden houses during the icy winter months, it was time to drive out the old mold and winter diseases from the house. A spring cleaning for body, house and yard. The shedding of unnecessary heaviness that has accumulated over the winter. Physically as well as Psychically, to experience a holistic spring restart.

The Festival of the Bearer of Light

Traditionally, Imbolc is celebrated on February 1st, and the festival begins on the eve of February 1st and still is used today in rural Ireland as the Day of St. Brigid. The ancient celtic Goddess Brigid is the bearer of light. Her name is interpreted as the bright and the radiant and is also found in other traditions under the name Brigantia or Brigindo, the tribal deity of the Celtic Brigands and the Germanic Perchta and maybe the Welsh Ceridwen.

Brigid is said to walk the earth on Imbolc eve and as she is said to have the power that will bring people from the dark season of winter into spring, her presence is very important at this time of year, especially this year.

Celebrate your own unique Imbolc

But it’s about choosing the right time for you to celebrate your own Imbolc and let go of everything you no longer need.  If you feel like a fresh start and want to integrate this ancient tradition, you can do it in your very own and unique way. Adding these old traditions is all about bringing them into your life in a modern approach. You could start a food cleanse today or bring in the light of Imbolc by making scented candles and light them in the evening. Infusing them with the anticipation of change and a fresh start.

Imbolc also means to find your vision for this coming year and that would be a wonderful way to integrate into a meditation. Make sure you add some light and candles to it, to make this intention of seeing the light and the vision of 2019 even better.

How to clean off old heaviness that you no longer want to carry around with you

Breathe in and out several times until your breath comes to rest and you breathe evenly. Pay attention to your solar plexus, your power center (3rd chakra).

Here is where your emotional “slags” and mental “toxins” stored, that have accumulated in the last year and you can now safely put off to start a wonderful new beginning.

Imagine how the bright flame of St. Brigid’s is kindled in your third chakra and shining deep into each cell. Summon this beautiful flame that enlightens everything that no longer belongs to you or fits on your life’s path. Even what wants to hide. Cover it with your loving thoughts and trust that you let go completely.


From the center of the third chakra, a violet flame lights up, which slowly grows larger. It is the flame of transformation that lovingly dissolves all visible “slags”.

All emotional heaviness, which has accumulated in the last year but also over the years, can and should come to light. Long-suppressed emotions, old sorrows, fears and blockages are re-illuminated and safely transformed into the violet flames of the fire of transformation.

The violet flame leaves nothing unclean, transmutes and enlightens all that was deeply hidden.

When the violet flame has extinguished and cleaned everything, look carefully inward. Everything is pure and radiant.

Let that light that now shines in your interior shine in full force. Let it spread to the whole body. Fill every cell, every corner with this radiant light.

This beautiful radiant light spreads love and trust in your whole being. Thank Brigid for this beautiful expanding light in you. Let this inspiring and empowering light fill your whole being with an ever expanding,  peaceful and loving feeling.

Whenever you are ready, slowly open your eyes and look down at your feet. Then slowly up above you. Then to both sides.

Come back to the here and now.

To intensify, you can have a candle burning, but it must be supervised.

Why Do Rituals

Rituals help us find our unique rhythm in life. Now more than ever, we need time to rest, time to quiet down. Time to disconnect and time to rejuvenate yourself. In a time where information is freely flowing in and out of our minds constantly, it is easy to forget to take some time out and just be. Nurture, listen and follow our inner voice.

You don’t have to live in a Nordic country in order to give yourself the Rhythm of the seasons. And with that, the time to be quiet, the time to be seeding your thoughts and the time to rally up and energize yourself to then come to the time of harvest. With Imbolc, our ancient wise ancestors wanted to free themselves from unnecessary heaviness, and then, become freshly strengthened to see the spring and the light.

Even if there is still frost over the land in nature, at the beginning of February, spring has already started slowly in nature – be rest assured.

So with the promise of Spring and all things renewed, I hope you have an inspiring and cleansing February!

Much love,

Have you ever tried this winter ritual before? Or maybe you know a different ritual? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below!