It doesn’t matter what you want in your life. Perhaps it’s a personal achievement that you’re after. Or success in your business or career. Or perhaps overcoming a health issue or simply living a more relaxed life.

The principal behind achieving what you set out to do is always the same. It starts with small steps and it’s – in theory – so easy to achieve. Yet so many people struggle with bringing their dreams into reality.

Be Inspired

I believe one of the 5 fundamental Pillars to build a fulfilling life is Inspiration.

Inspiration is the key to any effort towards creating whatever you want to bring into your life. And when I say effort, then I have to correct myself here. If it feels like effort, it doesn’t come from an inspirational place.

If you’re inspired, everything feels easy, cool, and motivating.

Effort however, is something we feel we HAVE to put in.

Thinking of effort, you take the wind out of your sails before you start.

Effort reminds us of work and not the simple kind of work – no, no, no! The laborious, troublesome, and onerous kind of work that will require all our effort.

Now what would be the inspired word for effort? Wouldn’t it would be great to just let go and go with the flow.

Do it with ease.

Or don’t do anything at all.

Again, when I say not do anything at all, I mean this in a sense of allowing things to happen energetically.

What inspires you?

When you’re inspired, you don’t have to DO things. It is such an inspiration. You can’t stop yourself from doing whatever you feel inspired to do.

How to DO things without doing anything

This gets weirder by the minute you may think. But stay with me here.

To best explain, we will take a look at one of my friends and clients.

She is a very beautiful and super successful woman. Not just outstandingly intelligent, but also extremely heartfelt and giving.

This client found it very hard to find a partner that was not afraid of her qualities. A guy, who can appreciate her body and her mind.

She had lived for many years in a relationship with a powerful, interesting men that was unable to commit to her fully.

With this on all levels of her consciousness (and energy, as you can’t separate the two) she was in a continuous situation of lack of commitment.

He loved her, but he loved his freedom much more. (And in theory, that is actually a very good thing – the problem was that she didn’t love herself more than him.)

There it is! She put a lot of effort into the relationship at the beginning and always more than he was willing to put into it.

There was a feeling of LACKING that grew stronger and stronger and manifested in their relationship but also into other parts of her life.

Bring more of what you want into your life

They are many ways to tackle this situation and for you, it may have been a different part.

In the end, the solution is to find the most natural, effortless way.

For her, it started with bringing more into her life of what she wanted.

And in her case, it was love and commitment.

By committing herself to bringing more love into her life for herself, she started taking more time off.

She created adventures and free time when travelling for business.

She committed to be loving and kind to herself.

The whole relationship business was not a focus point anymore.

She slowly started to put herself and what Inspired her first.

By shifting the focus away from what is lacking in your life and bringing your attention to what inspires you, things start to change quickly and effortlessly.

But the thing is, do not concentrate on what it will bring or how quickly it will shift. In that case, you would still be concentrating on the thing that has not yet happened (the lack).

What inspires you today?

Ask yourself now what is it that you would love to bring into your life and start right away.

Nothing big, no effort needed. Just be inspired to do something that brings more of what you want into your life.

More love, more health, more energy, more laughter, more humor, more wealth, more fun, more meaning, more happiness, more beauty.

Be inspired and let me know what it is that you’ll be bringing more of into your life from now on!

Have fun with it and share with me in the ‘Comments’ section below: What will bring more of into your life today?

Love Carollyne

PS: Now I’m sure you want to know what happens with my lovely friend – right? Well she created so much love and fun into her life, she enjoyed suddenly so many different opportunities of love interests, it was quite amusing. Once she let go of the search, Love caught up with her around literally every corner!

Now she will have to see what inspires her next and what kind of relationship she wants to create. But that is another story…